Preparing Your Office for A Carpet Cleaner’s Visit

Winters can be rough on carpets. It means you will have plenty of foot traffic coming in with snow residue, mud or dirt.

If you’re getting professional carpet cleaning in your office, it’s time to prep up! To save time and make the most of the visit, here are a few things you need to add to your checklist before the cleaners arrive:

Vacuum Beforehand

Ask your carpet cleaning service at the time of booking if they offer vacuum service before cleaning them. It could be either free of cost or for an additional cost. It is important to clarify before so that you are well prepared.

Vacuuming carpet before cleaning removes the surface dirt and dust which allows the cleaning chemicals to penetrate deep into the carpet and cleans properly.

De clutter

Carpet cleaners come with heavy machines and long hose pipes which can cause potential harm if there is anything in way. Also, if you have clutter, you’re going to have issues getting comprehensive cleaning.

Clear everything up. Remove chairs that are scattered and have them placed in one corner of the room. Get rid of the stacks of files, boxes lying on the floor.

You should confirm from your service company if they have a policy of moving furniture around, and if not, which furniture need to be removed.

Pin-up Draperies

If your office has fancy long draperies, it is best to pin-them up. Curtains and drapes should be at least 6 inches off the floor. You don’t want them to get wet, soak up chemicals or tear up by coming in way of machinery.

Carpets Should Be Inspected

Cleaners always begin with the inspection to tailor the cleaning regime, but it always best to inspect the carpet yourself as well beforehand. This way you can discuss with your cleaning company about places you want to focus most.

If there are certain stains and spots that you know of, communicate the same with your company. Upon their arrival, go for an office tour to show them the problem areas that need to be handled and point high-traffic area.

Once you have had your office carpets cleaned, next step is maintenance.

Hiring professionals for cleaning and maintenance will add several years to the life of your carpets. If you are looking for cost effective and highly efficient team for carpet cleaning in Kansas City Missouri, try Crystal Clear. Their professional cleaning techniques have helped offices save money in a long run.